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Sims 5 Release Date

Sims 5 Release Date

Jun 9, 2019 - It's been more than four years since the release of The Sims 4 and although the game is still massively popular, a lot of fans are understandably. The Sims 5 Release Date. Since the last Sims 4 was launched four years ago, which did not have that bandwidth in attracting the gaming enthusiasts. This time we are hoping Electronic Arts to launch Sims 5 in the last quarter of 2019, which is a time close enough for the Sims franchise to celebrate their 20 th anniversary of Sims.

Updated On: 12 October 2015The SIMS is a series of video game with incredible theme and interesting added features with players all over the world. The game is made by EA Maxis and later published by the Electronic Arts. The franchise has set a record of selling more than 175 million copies of this fantastic video game all over the world. The first series called “The SIMS” was released in February 2000 and received an astounding response from the masses. The interrogations between the characters made it both multi-tasking and fun at the same time.

You can explore the game styles by buying landscape, furniture and other goods. Now fans of series are expecting a new adventure in SIMS 5.Here you will find all news and updates on SIMS 5 game. Below, you can simply jump to the portion you are looking for.About SIMS 5:The latest series “SIMS 4” was released in September 2014 with added social features in the game. Now the players can import the house and its goods from one place to another. The game was a success which makes SIMS fans to look for another series “SIMS 5” with advanced features. The “expected to be astounding” new series is likely to be released in 2019 with bright animation graphics and high quality of characters & stimulations mode. SIMS 5 Release Date:Fans are badly addicted to the series of SIMS from the beginning of the release of SIMS 1 game.

This reality game was designed by Electronic Arts Maxis, which recently released SIMS 4 and was a success. This life stimulation game permits you to form and carve personalities directing several real life situations and yet form relationships. The players get knowledge from implicit world of creating homes, regular tasks and environment. After the release of SIMS 4, players had already started talking about the release of SIMS 5. Electronic Arts has declared that the SIMS 5 release date will depend upon the market feat of SIMS 4 but it is expected to be released in 2019.

Since, the negative reviews and ratings of SIMS 4 majorly affected the sales of SIMS 4. However, the upcoming game in the SIMS series is expected to be more astonishing as compared to the existing one. To make the game more interesting, EA and Maxis might add some amazing features in SIMS 5 so that it will attract more players.The SIMS officials have also make a that SIMS 5 won’t happen if SIMS 4 won’t have satisfactory sales.

Few weeks later SIMS official on twitter, “By the time it comes time to start work on The Sims 5, maybe we can do that – no promises, though;)”. After that there is no news related to SIMS 5 because at present they are only focusing on SIMS 4.The gamers expect that the designing of the new series “SIMS 5” will begin in the year 2015 and the series tends to continue thereafter. The SIMS admirers and fans have a lot of expectations regarding the new release of the game and they continually share their views on the official forum of SIMS.

The design of SIMS 5 is still not confirmed, so nothing official can be declared regarding the release date. We can only predict it to be released in 2019 from the release date of existing SIMS series. TitleRelease DateThe SIMSFebruary 2000The SIMS 2September 2004The SIMS 3June 2009The SIMS 4September 2014The SIMS 52019?The foremost series “SIMS 1” was launched on February 2000 and till date it was the best selling game of the year.

After that, the electronic arts released SIMS 2 on 14 th September 2004. Maxis had spent four years designing and release this series. Likewise, SIMS 3 was launched in June 2009 after a gap of five years. And then the next series of the game “SIMS 4” was recently released in 2014 September. After predicting the release date of the following series, one thing is confirmed that Maxis will at least take four-five years to introduce the new SIMS series.Update On 8 March 2015:SIMS 5 Features (Wishlist & Rumour):SIMS game is played by people of all age groups, as it is one of the interesting life stimulation video game in the recent times.

Below is the wish list for the upcoming SIMS 5 video game:Compare to previous versions:The style of characters can be changed with their hair color as it is easy to get many types of hairstyles at varying lengths. Some of the hair styles are up, down, braid, wavy, ponytail, straight, bun and many added.Facial textures:The facial expression can be customized with the genetic attributes like change in the eye bags, dimples, nose and philtrum button which makes the character more beautiful. It is very easy to change the fixture of the Nose Bridge, nostrils, cheeks, lips, forehead and ear.Eye color:The eye color can be changed to make them look more beautiful.

The wrinkles on the head and the eyebrow can be modified in a more innovative way.Skin tone:The skin tone of the character can also be changed to Light, Medium, Dark, Blue, Green or any other to easily identify your character. The designer could customize the skin and do animation in the SIMS 5 to give additional options for a better look.Body modifications:The 3D option is very spectacular in maintaining the body of the character. It is easy to increase the size of the muscles and strength of the body using this advanced option in the game. It will be fun changing the shape of the belly button, muscles, freckles, birthmarks and many others.Extra makeup:There are many options available to change the lip color to pink, pale or dark by applying the lipstick of the same color. Tattoos can also be added so that it is easier for the characters to change into modern style. The face mask option in the SIMS 5 would be useful for creating the beautiful faces of the characters. It can also be made in 3D.Home:Buying a model house of 3, 4 or 5 bedrooms should be added so that more number of people could stay in the house.

The floors could be reconstructed with increased size in the 3D formats are also available in the wish list.House Surroundings:There are many important features like setting the beautiful environment around the house with attractive garden, swimming pool, decorated fences, trees and many others in 3D graphics mode.Parking facilities:Enlarge the parking facilities in the house so that you can easily park your car in SIMS 5. You can also change the size of a garage door; it could increase your game points.Stairs and Basements in the house:It is must to modify the stairs in the house; you can choose either L-shaped stairs or U-shaped stairs. Basement needs to be adjusted too, so that it becomes easier to dig in the hilly landscapes for building houses. Split level house can also be customized and made more beautiful for the characters.Doors and Windows:It is very easy to choose a door for your house and the options are wooden doors, sliding glass doors, Cellar doors and many added. Also, there are new and different types of door decorations available with a variety of frames, hinges and knobs.Modular beds:The bedrooms can be personalized by adding more beds, shelves, tiny washrooms, hidden passageways, closets and more. The beds could be made with different headboards and footboards.

The size of bed, furniture and cushions can be increased than the previous game to make the house look new and more beautiful.Animation and Sound Effects:Better graphics and animation with 3D effects can be used to get a better image quality in the game. The sound effects should also be high in comparison to the previous series of SIMS. You can know more about.So to all SIMS lovers, we would love to have your suggestions on SIMS 5 game. You can share them by using the below comment box. Like others have said, open world like in the Sims 3 is very important. When I first bought the Sims 4 the absence of an open world was one of the biggest turn-offs.

Also the customisation options in the Sims 3 like the color wheel are far more advanced than in the Sims 4 and should absolutely come back.Another idea is to make “multi-age” clothing items so your sims outfit isn’t messed up each time your sim ages up. This would mean that for every hairstyle, accessory, shoe, etc you need to have a variety for each age category. When your sim ages up it keeps the same clothing and things like that but just from the next age.I’d also like to see more age categories. I mean, a 6 year old child is very different from a 9 year old child but in the Sims they’re both children. For teens this is even more important. A 12 year old teen is very different from a 16 year old teen. A 60 year old person can be an elder but still very different from a 90 year old one.

Having to wait at least another two years for Sims 5 to be released (if at all) is a real pain, so if it comes out I hope it will be worth the wait.I must confess that I personally like the way Sims 4 plays, however. I feel the same as a lot of others in that there are some of the game play features from previous versions that could have easily been included in this version.It would be nice to be able to buy and join two or maybe three adjacent lots together.More larger size plots as well. I installed a mod for a house i found, but had to demolish a park area and re-allocate the area to residential before i could use the house because none of the free plots were big enough.Open world is a definite must.

Not being able to move around the world freely take all the fun out of exploring the Sims world.Add transport terminals to allow players to travel to different worlds, and perhaps a cut scene for while the new world loads. After all this is Sims and not a well known Sci-Fi programme.Just a few suggestions.

I hope the powers at be read these blogs, you never know, they might even take notice of some of the ideas people put out.Peace to you all my friends. Dear Sims Family,I fell in love when Sims 4 came out, even though it was the first Sims game I’ve ever played. When I watched a video of Sims 3, I loved it because it had pets, which Sims 4 doesn’t, which I was sad about. I downloaded Sims 3 and I had so many pets, it was like a dream!

Pets were (and still are) my favorite things of the Sims 3 and 4 because I have only played those two. Things I want in Sims 5 are things that are smaller, but important. If you’re like, “What could ever be small and important?” Well, here’s an example, a scene I’ll do from an everyday family.“Honey, we have to go to the mall. I’m putting the baby in the car.”“Ok. I’ll start up the car.”“I have the keys, here.”“Thanks.

C’mon, get in the front seat.”“Ok, I’m ready.”“Let’s go.”Now, I know I’m not very good at scenes, but there are many small things that are important. Like keys, those are important.Another thing from the Sims 4 that’s okay, but not very good, is the characters just disappearing from the driveway. Why not add cars? Or make a taxi pick them up like in the Sims 3? And why can’t you go see the places?Another thing, Jobs. Jobs, jobs, jobs. One of my relatives works at home, are there any jobs that can stay at home and work on a computer so they can watch the children and work at the same time?

That would be very nice if you had a lot of children;).Something else that would take a BIG effect on me, are the waiting screen. I mean, I know it is long because you might have add-ons like the Sims 3, which the wait is ridiculous, but still, have it compatible so you can have a shorter waiting screen when your loading the game and like in Sims 4 when you are traveling.More instruments would be nice because I play the drums and trumpet, those would be a nice little feature.Maybe you could have a big city, like Chicago or New York, in one “world”, perhaps, and then a countryside in another “world”.I think there should also be seasons or the wind.

Seasons would be nice because you could get snowed in or you couldn’t go out because it was pouring or something that would make the world a tad bit more interesting. Also swaying trees when wind rushes could be nice.Nothing affects the body of the sim in Sims 4, I’m not sure if it does in any other Sims game, and I wish the girl’s or women’s hair could bounce up and down, or move its position, or something making hair move.Something else that would be cool is owning a business, like a restaurant.Something on characters is A LOT more customizations. A LOT more hair, A LOT more clothes, A LOT more personality.Another thing that would affect my WHOLE life in the Sims series is a LAN mode. Being able to play with friends is my second favorite thing that could ever happen in the Sims series.There should also be story modes where you can choose one and it would guide you through a storyline.Castles would be amazing. If there were any type of ruler, maybe President or King and Queen, and we could be them, that would make me feel like I was living that life.Thank you again if you are reading this comment. It would mean the world to me if you added one or even two of my suggestions.

🙂 You keep me smiling Sims Family.Signed, Ashley B. Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain! And snow for that matter too! Add thunder and lightning! How that will affect their emotions. And for the pets too.

It would be cool to see them all startled. Bring back the winery.

I loved making wine. That was so was such a hoot. I loved so many things about three but you did away with them in four. I think that was why it was such a let down.

If you had combine what you had in three and four and then add what’s new out there now and you would have a real winner. I would buy it in a heartbeat. Please make don’t make the sims so cartoony. I didn’t like it at all. I’m an adult. Kids r going to turn into adults and it looks foolish. More realism is nice.

We know we are playing an imagination game. Obviously we are playing virtual dolls and changing their clothes and playing house with them. If we don’t realize that, we have lost touch with reality and are in danger mentally, which has nothing to do with your game.Please consider one more thing, I’m sorry to be so critical, but I have been playing since Sims 2 and I have become opinionated about your programming and merchandising. I enjoyed the way you offered games in Sims 3. Not everyone is in a financial position to purchase upgrades the way others can. Perhaps there were problems with the way it was done or you don’t feel you made enough money from us but it would seem that Sims 4 has been a disappointment so really even with it’s additions, was it financially sound to go this route?

I know a lot of people are wanting the same things, so I’m going to add some features that have not been mentioned much that I think most people would like as well 🙂Something I think would be nice is if we could adjust the hours in a day- short regular long. That way, if the creators added more features and actions that everyone wants to the game that take up time, ( like getting into the car, pulling out of the driveway), we would have more time to complete essential tasks for work school, needs.Also, car settings would be cool. For example, manually driving the car with stop lights &a stop signs, parking, talking with sims on streets while in car, picking someone up from their house to hang out, etc.

Buying accessories also, would be nice. For example, if you went to a mall and bought hats or belts or necklaces you should be able to store them in your room and put them on or take them off.Something I’ve wanted since sims 2 was the ability to own restaurants. I vaguely remember being able to do this in sims 2. Imagine being the cook at a restaurant and actually getting to make their orders. Or being a waitress/waiter. Or a host.They should make malls with various stores where you can buy things not available in CAS.

(Candle stores, makeup stores, shoe stores)PLEASE BRING BACK CITIES!! Oh how I miss Bridgeport????Sims should have the option to “Go for a walk” AND PLEASE!!! NO MORE LOADING SCREENS TO TRAVEL!!!

WHY DID WE TAKE A STEP BACK!!:(I can’t think of anything else for now but that’s just on my mind 🙂. All that said, I would love Pets, Seasons oh what the heck all the expansions combined.let them drive a car, wash a car put baby in the backseat, etc. This could be the biggest game ever made. Come on guys and girls.

I have faith in you.:)I love the sims 4’s layout but please we need more open lots like in Sims 1 and 2 and also slopes on the lots for open basements etc. Circular, L and U shaped stairs again. I designed so many floor plans but had to modify because of the stairs. They are the biggest headache.What about circular rooms and roofs and maybe can we put walls instead of fences on the round foundations. That would be cool. 1) shopping malls with actual retail property, where different sims can each own their different lots within the same business lot. Am I the only one that thinks there needs to be a uncensored sims?

Lets be real when they first started off the pc version was shit! Game Cube had the best versions (Sims Bustin Out, ect), I remembered you could sun bath naked any time, drink, do pretty much anything you want. Literally the individuality was soo much better. All these censored fucks make it hard to develop a game that doesn’t offend anybody.

A true open world game, half sims, half gta is what they really need to do. Of course with the similar features of sims 2 and 3. The game is just so damn bland now, it’s time for spice. I would like sims 5 to be more realistic, like in the real world. Being able to choose religion, go to church as a christian, for example and being able to carry necklaces like crosses or as a jew David star around your neck.

I don’t want to hear that sims is supposed to be without any religious involvement, you already have added supernatural with occult stuff like vampires and werewolves that I would never touch as a christian and that gives me creeps. Why not let them have a chance to choose something positive, like faith in something? So the death would not be so creepy mr Ripper showing up and scaring the players with the horror music. A more peaceful way of leaving the sims world would be nice, like how the pets die a light shows up and takes them to heaven. And having newborns looking and sounding like newborns, not like old ladies like in the second and third sims3. And having toddlers again that can be potty trained.

It would be cute. Thanks for reading/ C. I would like all the suggestions already given but also items, clothing and lifetyles of different time eras. It would be cool to be able to do the 1920’s, or the 1700’s old world with pirates, or ancient Greece/Rome, midievel or native. It would just be cool if there were sets. Sometimes there’s native furniture but no clothing or food options or house building options. Or there’s Greek style clothing but no furniture to match.

It would be neat to create families that look and live in settings in different time eras. (Even if they still used cars and went to work at regular jobs) I would just appreciate designing their homes, clothes and personalities to match different people groups through history. I also love the idea of picking out a religion or saying they don’t have one. It can be a big change to their lifestyle and game play. I honestly think EA did an amazing job on the sims 4 I love the new features but there should be more realistic walks cause cause the no one really walks tough or sluggish maybe like a drunken walk rather than sluggish thats onky in my opinion. More interactions lots of them you should be able to go on longer dates and have longer parties maybe two part events cause there are people that go to for example: ( dinner and a movie) or there is a birthday party or wedding and then there is a after party.

I love the fact that they made the Get to Work Pack I thought it was genius it made it more interesting and it was also a learning experience to see what really goes on in the work day but the limited jobs to be able to join is a bad idea EA really needs to make where you can join any job including the business, entertainer, and etc. Everything in the sims 4 basically just more improvement and more realistic ideas. Also with the clothes they should really be more considerate of the people playing and how they would dress I understand they dont tolerate most things that their players require but at the same time they should try their best to to make it happen. In sims 2 there where sagging pants which should be brought back in the sims 5 for the males they should also consider making similar styles to the biggest clothes companies like balmains, pink or true religion, burberry clothes like that every pair of clothes should be seperated like some items are together you should have a choice to remove that piece of clothing. I chose to use Mods for the fact that I liked the clothes that were being made that wasnt on the sims 4 and EA should really look at the creations their simmers make and consider putting them in the new series. More clothes more clothes MORE CLOTHES AND SHOES IS A MUST of course more hair style I loved the fact the had the box braids in the sims 4 loved the idea to death they should keep the hairstyles in the sims 4 in the sims 5 and just add more also they should consider making natural hair for african amercian (black) sims more realistic and diverse also for the african amercian kids they should put braids with beads as one of the hairstyles.

More faces!!! The tattoos need to be better in my opinion there has not been one good tattoo that really stood out to me we should have the ablitiy the make our own with there creations if not they should consider putting words for tattoos in their games THERE SHOULD BE PIRECINGS OMG I BEEN WAITING I HAD TO USE MODS JUST TO HAVE A NOSE RING!!! The reception is low for the fourth installment of the series, yet people are addicted to the game, nevertheless!

I love the game, despite the game (the 4th) becoming kind of boring due to very significantly insufficient qualities, such as the time that it takes for a sim to eat or to use the toilet. Another annoyance is sims’ basic needs lowering way too often, that there is not much time left for other sorts of actions or tasks. Also, they need cars, and cool ones at that. There isn’t much to purchase in the game anyway. We could become partners to businesses as well as purchase buildings and businesses in the third game. This feature could be modified again in he fifth!

Very rich sims, I think, would be much better off having limos again or better yet, helis 😀. I really liked sims 3 with the open world and creat a style. If they could make the graphics evsn better and more life like and take the stupid silly stuff out or make us able to turn them off or on i would like it better. I think you should make the game where you can download it on your pc evan if you are not on line. If you could put the build mod of sims 4 in and all the decorating mods like the inlarging of items and being able to put items on shelves.

I would like throw pillows and maybe throws. Maybe bird houses and more plants. Id like to be able to make charecters different hights and have their hair really grow so theu would have to go to the hairdresser.

Id like to be able to design clothes and jewlery and shoes. I want things to look as real as posible like the rest of the games that are coming out. I would like to be able to color the roofs.m. I would like Sims 5 to be like Sims 2, in that you wouldn’t have to pick one active household. However, it’s annoying in Sims 2 when your sim rings someone at 10am, say, and the other sim shouts at them for calling at midnight. Also, sims randomly appear in two places at once, which is frustrating.

Sims Vr Release Date

I would get rid of these problems, but otherwise keep gameplay the same as in Sims 2, with the odd feature from 3/4. The graphics would be like in Sims 4, but I would bring back Create A Style and the colour wheel. To add to this, there would be more options in Create A Sim (eg.

The Sims 5 Release Date Leak

Height control, nose piercings, more clothing/make-up options, etc.) I haven’t played Sims 4, but I don’t think I’d mind the absence of toddlers- I was such a bad ‘parent’ to my toddler sims in Sims 2 🙂. Never really cottoned to the Sims 4, was very disappointed in its development, sticking with Sims 3 for now. I would like to see for the Sims 5, if it comes about. I would like to see easier access to creating your own neigborhood, maybe being able to set the type of weather you wish your neighborhood to be. Also would like to be able to adjust lot sizes, rather than have a set size that you choose from.Do not care for the lot sizes in the game of specialized lots, for instance 60 x 60 or 28 x 18 and they can not be altered and if removed they are gone from the game and can not be saved to the query. Also these lots can only be changed by the creator of the neighborhood and there are no cheats that can change the lot sizes. Would also like a open map neighborhood with easier access to placings in the neighborhoods, meaning if you wish to place a lot in a mountainous terrian but are unable due to too many lumps or bumps on the terrian or for instance trying to place a lot on a curved road, but you can’t because its not allowed.

Also having a map that is more pleasing to the eye, a scenic backround, not so cartoony, maybe more realistic. In Sims 5, I would like to see some major character updates. When you create your sims, you could give them an age, a religion and their background. Although in Sims 4, where there is a “Get To Work” expansion pack, I would like to see more varieties of jobs, and seeing your sims go to work. Also they could add pet stores where there are pets, and you can pick their breed e.g Pugs or Golden Retrievers. Maybe you could have cars, and drive to work and seeing your sims get injured.

I am looking forward to the new game! I have and idea where sims wouldn’t have life stages, they would just grow. So in the game you could decide how long a year is in simlife. So if you made it 2 days your sims would age a year every 2 days, and you could really pinpoint stages in normal lives, for example when a sim’s 2 years old they could go through their terrible twos, when they’re 13/14 their voice could break and the could have raspy voices and the sims would start showing signs of puberty, They could have a mid-life crisis at any time between the ages of 35 and 60, They could die early around(65/70) if they were slobs and didn’t take care of themselves properly, whereas vegetarians/vegans and Athletic sims could live to over 100. This could be difficult to implement but could be a good idea to see your sims actually grow rather than just jumping from phase to phase. You could change the time yourself making a year shorter while they’re young if you want to get that out of the way. I was just about to post a really long list of suggestions, when I was disconnected from my wifi!

I am going to keep it “short”. I like the ideas of more clothing option and being able to customize your character’s height, hair, and clothes. I think that your sims shouldn’t just walk into the bathroom, when an other sim is in there. They should be taught to knock, so maybe the kids will walk inWe should definitely, be able to go work or school with them. What do they do? What opportunities will they take?

What mischief will they get into or stay out of? What relationships do they have with their co workers? How do they interact with them?

How dill they respond to the boss? At school, how will the kids focus in class? Will they talk to their friends during a lesson, cheat, become scholastically accomplished, run for class president, ask out the pretty girl in Englsh, make out with you college bound boyfriend’s sweet talking little brother?

How do the teachers interact? How will you manage the classroom?

Interact with the students? Maybe you graduate young and are a handsome or beautiful high school teacher, not much, if at all, older than your students, and you get involved in a steamy love triangle, between a student and an other teacherHow will you treat the pregnant teen who come crying to you for advice? I also think that we should be able to choose more personality or character traits, and some personal interests. Also, it would be nice, if we didn’t have to kiss or anything like that to get a perfect score for a date. Oh, and if they could walk around, through,and over stuff like a normal person, that would be great.

So that is my two cents. I am not going to be unrealistic and expect all this, but these are things that I would like to see. I am excited to see how it turns out. I would like my sims to be unique individually (maybe by hidden traits randomly given).

Sims 5 Release Date

Also would like teh open world again as in sims 3. More romance socials would be great. I like the cars they could get into like in sims 2. Also would be cool if they could actually travel in an airplane. Would alslo love to be able to create my own story progression by assigning character roles to specific sims.

Adjusting sim height and features is a must. Would like to be able to play with more players (two) but offline (at home).

Sims 5 Release Date

Would like to have ability to add voices and music. And recolring should be coming back. More accessories and able to use multiple acc and make ups for diff locations and same goes for tattoos. Want to see my sims at work/school. In Sims 5, we should be able to control our Sims’ hight (SERIOUSLY?! We can make a woman’s chest and butt huge but we can’t change her hight? That’s absurd) and hair length as well as the texture of their hair.

We should be able to choose if the hair is wavy, straight, curly, etc, for each individual hair style. They should definitely bring back the color wheel (COME ON GUYS! SERIOUSLY?!) and also bring back the way we could highlight our Sims’ hair in the Sims 3. We were able to choose a designated area of their hair and pick a color for it. Having highlights or undertones and being able to decide for our selves what the color is, for each hair style, was awesome. It would be nice to be able to change the length of our Sims’ torso and legs.

I know a girl who is shorter than me but her legs are practically the same hight as mine, she just has a shorter torso, and I also know another girl who is taller than me, but she has shorter legs than me because she has a long torso. We should have more clothing options; more colors also, shoes and accessories; especially jewelry!!

A LOT more tattoo options would be appreciated. As well as adding piercings (belly button, ears, eyebrows, nose, lips, etched). The men should be able to wear makeup.

The women should have some cool manly clothes, and vise versa, the men should have some fancy girly clothes. More customizable walk options, and voices.

It would be pretty cool if our Sims could have accents. Maybe that wouldn’t be possible, or at the very least difficult, but it would be pretty cool! They already have different tones of voices (please add more!) but people in real life also have different ways of pronunciation. So many times since playing Sims4 I have come across the problem of not being able to use long names. It would be extremely nice to have more space for our Sim’s names. Also, we players should have more options in the family relationships. For example being able to make a household of, let’s say, three teen brothers and their uncle.

So we should have the choice of what relationship they have in each household. I want my sim to be able to have their uncle present without their mother in order for the “uncle” option to go through.

It would also be awesome to see that we are able to make a household of elders the grandparents of the children in a different household.P.S. The Sims 4 just came out one year ago. It’s practically new, therefore it will take time for us to see everything that we expect. Although there are many additions we would all love to see, I enjoy playing The Sims 4, every time. Satisfactory vote from me!

You should make it more realistic like gta5 and make missions, not like killing missions but you know, make it so you can take peoples cars but make it pg???????? And maybe make it online where you can actually see people and maybe say what you want to say, just type it.????????

And maybe the ability to control your sim while they are at work as chosen, like say your on the working sim, you control their job, if you click someone else, you can control someone else and the other people is still finishing their job without you. And the ability to control your sim without a click, like control their every move like gta5????

Sims 5 Release Date